I'm annoyed at my indecisiveness.
I was supposed to do a triathlon on Saturday. I was signed up for one that got cancelled later this month. The company said to email them and they would give you a refund or transfer your entry to a different race. There are two races left. This one and one in a month. Same location, same as my first tri.
I wanted to do this weekend's tri, so I emailed them a couple of weeks ago and did not hear anything back. I emailed again this week and didn't hear anything either, but was told by one of my teammates that they had resolved her issue (a different issue), but did not respond to her. I wouldn't worry, but there is no race day registration.
Also annoyed that I found this on their Facebook page " And people wonder why we are hard to get on
the phone on race week hosting 400 athletes, 400 families and 300
volunteers: Race team of 25, 8000 cups, 400 chips cleaned, 300 gallons
of water, 2 kegs of beer, 500 pizza's, 4,000 lbs of fence, 75
banners, 3 rolls of crime tape, 25 emails per day asking water temp. 52
bike racks with 208 legs, 3 sets of 400 bib labels, awards for 7 races,
400 finisher medal.".
I get it. Triathletes can be jerks about the water temperature or specifics about the course, but dangit, my emails were about wanting to do the tri! Weird customer service! (Yes, I realize I could have gone a long way with contacting them other ways. Like smoke signals and such).
So today I went on the website to see if there was more contact information/an explanation. When I saw this: timed 3K open water swim for only $20.
Crap! Like a friggin' bug to light. What?!? Only swimming? Open water? Longer distance? Pick me! Pick me!
Honestly, I was planning on a 10 mile bike ride yesterday morning, but my body was still like "WTF, you did 39 miles last weekend and I still hate you". I ended at 6.8 and was tired, had sore hands, had my slowest time on that route, and was covered in spider webs. Blech. This gives me no desire to swim, bike AND run the course again. My mental state has been close to fragile lately and I'm afraid if I do worse on this weekend's tri than my first one, I would lose it (pretty sure TOM is creeping up!).
So fine, what if I pick the 3K swim? (BTW, the 3K swim is only the first part of the BIG tri. They also have 61.8K bike and a 15K run...I was planning on the Sprint Tri) Then I would have another tri entry left. If I do the one in October, I'm afraid I will need a wetsuit. #1 I don't own one, #2 I'm afraid to rent one because I'm afraid it won't fit/they won't have my size. Then again, maybe I will get ballsy and ask for my money back from the first entry.
Alright. Thank goodness I have a blog where I can type out my situation and see it on paper, er...screen. I'm going to do the swim and deal with the rest later. I did fine w/a short swim and trail run on Monday, I felt tired in yoga on Tuesday and that bike ride was crap on Wednesday. Let's hope rest today and Friday make for a great swim on Saturday. I only know of about 2 other open water swims in the state that are a mile or longer, so this should be great! I mean, since August I've swam 3 times, plus 2 swims in tris. Not exactly any training involved, but that's a fairly common theme in my life!
PS - Not to leave you all with a pictureless post, here is a pic of me and some open water (Lake Erie) from when I went to Cleveland in May. I believe this is the beach at the Rocky River Reservation (which is great, especially if you love alliterations!).
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